
St. George’s Road Primary School is dedicated to aligning its literacy program with the Victorian Curriculum, ensuring that students meet and exceed the standards set for their respective year levels.

For Foundation to Year 2, the literacy program focuses on developing foundational skills such as phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension. Through activities aligned with the Victorian Curriculum for English, students engage in interactive phonics lessons, guided reading sessions, and language-rich experiences that lay the groundwork for future literacy success (Victorian Curriculum, 2024).

In Years 3 to 6, the literacy program builds upon these foundational skills, with an emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation of texts. Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, students explore a wide range of literary genres, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. They learn to deconstruct texts, identify authorial intent, and construct well-supported arguments through reading, writing, and discussion activities (Victorian Curriculum, 2024).

Differentiated instruction is a key component of the literacy program, as teachers tailor their lessons to meet the diverse needs of students at varying levels of proficiency. Whether through targeted intervention for struggling readers or extension activities for advanced learners, every student receives the support and challenge they require to reach their full potential (Victorian Curriculum, 2024).

The integration of technology enhances the literacy program, with digital resources and tools providing interactive learning experiences that complement traditional teaching methods. Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum’s focus on digital literacy, students develop skills in navigating online texts, evaluating information sources, and producing multimedia presentations (Victorian Curriculum, 2024).

St. George’s Road Primary School also prioritizes parental involvement in the literacy program, providing resources and workshops to support literacy development at home. By fostering a collaborative partnership between home and school, the program aims to reinforce the skills and strategies learned in the classroom and promote a culture of literacy throughout the community (Victorian Curriculum, 2024).

Through its comprehensive approach to literacy education, St. George’s Road Primary School prepares students to meet the expectations outlined in the Victorian Curriculum while instilling a lifelong love for reading, writing, and communication. By nurturing strong literacy skills, the school equips students with the tools they need to succeed academically and thrive in an increasingly complex world.